Return to NYC
Our return to NYC had been awaited like the Jehovah Witnesses awaits the Armageddon, it was several times people thought we were on our way, but every time it didn’t seem to happen. Opposed to the Jehovah-guys though, it finally happened, though a bit later than expected.
The NYC Vinmoto gang, one of the tough gangs of NYC had arranged it all for us. The normal strong leader of the pack, Seth were out of town, but another dangerous and fierce character, the deputy Jason took charge and didn’t let us down. He arranged parking of bikes at Erik Green’s “Works Engineering” ( ), a place to crash at Christina Divigard’s flat, as well as got out the word about our dramatic slide show at Bar Matchless ( ).
Our program was tight, but we did all right. We had to explore Coney Island and look for George Tilyou’s ( ) ghost after he had went underground with his amusement park, we had to catch up with old a new friends, do photo-shoots at essential locations, drop by cork screw guys at B&H and drivel our breasts wet, and not to mention doing the slide show at the Matchless.
Everything went smooth, very smooth. We had some hectic days, but managed to do most of the things we were supposed to do. As it wasn’t too much to write about I’ll rather post some pictures with captions to cover the happenings. Big thanks to Jason, Eddie, Christina, Erik G and all the other guys for making our stay memorable.
Vår tilbakekomst til New York City var ventet på linje med Jehovas vitner som venter på Armageddon, det var flere ganger våre bekjente i byen trodde vi var på vei, men hver gang så det ikke ut til å bli noe av. I motsetning til Jehova-gjengen skjedde det omsider, enn om noe senere enn forventet.
NYC Vinmotogjengen, en av de skumle gjengene I NYC hadde arranger det meste for oss. Den beinharde og ubstridte lederen Seth var ute av byen, men en annen fæl og skummel karakter, Jason , tok tak i den store tilbakekomsten og skuffet ikke. Han arrangerte parkering av syklene hos Erik Greens ”Works Engineering”, parkering av oss i en leilighet, foruten at han organiserte det dramatiske lysbildeshowet vi skulle holde på Bar Matchless ( ), i Brooklyn.
Programmet var tett. Vi måtte utforske Coney Island og se etter George Tilyou spøkelse( ) etter at han hadde dratt med fornøyelsesparken sin under jorda, vi måtte treffe en rekke både nye og gamle bekjente, ta bilder rundt i byen som om vi skulle være japanere, besøke korketrekkergutta på B&H foto og sikle skjortebrystet vått, for ikke å snakke om foredraget vi skulle holde.
Alt gikk imidlertid fryktlig fint. Vi rakk stort sett alt som måtte gjøres, og siden det i bunn og grunn ikke var noe særlig revolusjonerende hiver jeg bare inn noen riktig så flotte bilder fra samtidens New York, så kan dere se selv.
Erik Green and Works Eng. shares space with Oslo Coffee Roasters, in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. How sweet isn't it to find a coffee company with this name, that sponsors us with fresh roasted coffee. Thanks a lot dudes!
Old times and new times, the old docks around in the industrialized world get replaced with the multinational chains and shopping centers, in this case the Swede Mr Kamprad took over. At least he's not famous for wasting his money.
Sylvester Scneider was another friend we made in Montauk. He runs the Zum Schneider Bier Garten in Lower East Manhatten and invited us for some beer and food. Great guy and great place that often put up a good show. Well worth a visit for both food and drinks, seriously good selection and quality, check . Here's Sylvester with his girlfriend.
Kerry forces Jennifer's bike to life before we went to harass Coney Island as a group of wild bikers. Not even Lee Marvin could done it better. Well, maybe he could.
The parachute jump tower, the only remains from Tilyou's Steeplechase park after he took it with him underground. To get the full and spectacular story check out Joseph Heller's "Closing Time", , where it's properly documented how he disappeared the entire park. Nobody can say this blog is not educating, though most information provided here is totally useless.
Thanks to Roy Mathisen from for pushing me countless times to do a photo session at Times Square, not sure if it happened without him. It got a few good shots that night. Also thanks to Jason and Eddie for the assistance.
The NYC Vinmoto gang, one of the tough gangs of NYC had arranged it all for us. The normal strong leader of the pack, Seth were out of town, but another dangerous and fierce character, the deputy Jason took charge and didn’t let us down. He arranged parking of bikes at Erik Green’s “Works Engineering” ( ), a place to crash at Christina Divigard’s flat, as well as got out the word about our dramatic slide show at Bar Matchless ( ).
Our program was tight, but we did all right. We had to explore Coney Island and look for George Tilyou’s ( ) ghost after he had went underground with his amusement park, we had to catch up with old a new friends, do photo-shoots at essential locations, drop by cork screw guys at B&H and drivel our breasts wet, and not to mention doing the slide show at the Matchless.
Everything went smooth, very smooth. We had some hectic days, but managed to do most of the things we were supposed to do. As it wasn’t too much to write about I’ll rather post some pictures with captions to cover the happenings. Big thanks to Jason, Eddie, Christina, Erik G and all the other guys for making our stay memorable.
Vår tilbakekomst til New York City var ventet på linje med Jehovas vitner som venter på Armageddon, det var flere ganger våre bekjente i byen trodde vi var på vei, men hver gang så det ikke ut til å bli noe av. I motsetning til Jehova-gjengen skjedde det omsider, enn om noe senere enn forventet.
NYC Vinmotogjengen, en av de skumle gjengene I NYC hadde arranger det meste for oss. Den beinharde og ubstridte lederen Seth var ute av byen, men en annen fæl og skummel karakter, Jason , tok tak i den store tilbakekomsten og skuffet ikke. Han arrangerte parkering av syklene hos Erik Greens ”Works Engineering”, parkering av oss i en leilighet, foruten at han organiserte det dramatiske lysbildeshowet vi skulle holde på Bar Matchless ( ), i Brooklyn.
Programmet var tett. Vi måtte utforske Coney Island og se etter George Tilyou spøkelse( ) etter at han hadde dratt med fornøyelsesparken sin under jorda, vi måtte treffe en rekke både nye og gamle bekjente, ta bilder rundt i byen som om vi skulle være japanere, besøke korketrekkergutta på B&H foto og sikle skjortebrystet vått, for ikke å snakke om foredraget vi skulle holde.
Alt gikk imidlertid fryktlig fint. Vi rakk stort sett alt som måtte gjøres, og siden det i bunn og grunn ikke var noe særlig revolusjonerende hiver jeg bare inn noen riktig så flotte bilder fra samtidens New York, så kan dere se selv.
Erik Green and Works Eng. shares space with Oslo Coffee Roasters, in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. How sweet isn't it to find a coffee company with this name, that sponsors us with fresh roasted coffee. Thanks a lot dudes!
Old times and new times, the old docks around in the industrialized world get replaced with the multinational chains and shopping centers, in this case the Swede Mr Kamprad took over. At least he's not famous for wasting his money.
Sylvester Scneider was another friend we made in Montauk. He runs the Zum Schneider Bier Garten in Lower East Manhatten and invited us for some beer and food. Great guy and great place that often put up a good show. Well worth a visit for both food and drinks, seriously good selection and quality, check . Here's Sylvester with his girlfriend.
Kerry forces Jennifer's bike to life before we went to harass Coney Island as a group of wild bikers. Not even Lee Marvin could done it better. Well, maybe he could.
The parachute jump tower, the only remains from Tilyou's Steeplechase park after he took it with him underground. To get the full and spectacular story check out Joseph Heller's "Closing Time", , where it's properly documented how he disappeared the entire park. Nobody can say this blog is not educating, though most information provided here is totally useless.
Thanks to Roy Mathisen from for pushing me countless times to do a photo session at Times Square, not sure if it happened without him. It got a few good shots that night. Also thanks to Jason and Eddie for the assistance.
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