Fra regionen Altay ind i Mongoliet
Vi krydsede grænsen ved Semey og kørte ind I Rusland, og tilbragte natten dér. Defra kørte vi til Barnaul, Gorno, Altaysk og krydsede grænsen efter Koch Agach, den berømte by ved Verdens Ende (hvor Klaus nær var kørt ind I en flok kameler midt om natten, lige tæt nok på). Altay er et meget smukt sted, og vejene er perfekte. Et rigtig udmærket sted for en mc-tur.
(Beklager de seneste elendige opdateringer, men der er bare ikke tid til at skrive ordentlige indlæg lige nu, så nyd billederne i stedet.)
We crossed the border from Semey and into Russia, and took the night just on the other side of the border. From there we moved on to Barnaul, Gorno Altaysk and crossed the border after Koch Agach (where Klaus almost drove straight in to a herd of camels in the middle of the night, close shave), the famous end of the world town.
Altay is a very beautiful area, and the roads are perfect. Really good place to take your bike for a spin.
Anyway, sorry for these lousy updates, but I just ain’t got time to write any proper now, so just enjoy the pics.
Lige efter grænsen mødte vi disse fine mc-folk, der gav os husly - fine folk og et godt sted at bo. Just after the border we met these nice bikers which gave us a roof for the night, really great people and a nice place to stay.
I Gorno Altaysk reparerede vi vore beskadigede benzindunkholdere og købte to Ural dæk. Vi var rigtig heldige i og med at vi mødte nogle engelsk-talende mc-folk der besøgte byen. Uden dem ville det have været svært.
In Gorno Altaysk we ficed the broken jerry can holders and bought 2 Ural tires for the bikes. We were lucky as the devil himself the day he was kicked out of paradice as we met some English speaking bikers visiting town. Without them this would have been hard.
Man kan campere hvorsomhelst i Altay - der er floder med godt vand, alt er stille og roligt. Her er vi med nogle mc-folk der tilfældigvis kom forbi. You can camp everywhere in Altay, it's rivers with good water, quiet and nice. Here we catched up with a couple of bikers that coincidentally came by.
For enden af den russiske regnbue finder man en stor gryde med Borch, national-suppen.... At the end of the Russian rainbow there's a big kettle of Borch, the national soup.
Baaah, baaah
Kosh Agach, den sidste delvist civiliserede udpost før Mongoliet. Kosh Agach, last partly civilized outpost before Mongolia
Vores venner fra camperingen igen, Igor og den anden hvis navn jeg desværre ikke husker. Our friends from the camping again, Igor and the other I unfortunately can't recal the name of.
Vi fandt disse ekstremt sjældne dyr i Altay. Det er en krydsning af en ko og en grizzly bjørn. We found these extremely rare Bear-Cows in Altay, it's a breed between cow and Grizzly
hello guy where are you
i hope your bike no too destroy i begin working this day i just brook my front wheel near ub do you need help
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