Just a few pics from Astana...
Jeg har kortvarigt lånt en computer og benytter chancen for at 'uploade' lidt billeder. Foreløbigt tak til dem der indtil nu har bidraget til at erstatte min lap-top og andet udstyr - jeg offentliggør navnene når jeg er for alvor er på nettet igen. P.t. har vi fået dækket svarende til 8% af tabet, så alle bidrag, store som små, vil stadig være meget velkomne.
As I got to borrow a computer a short while I've grabbed the chance to upload some pics. Thanks a lot to those who have contributed so far to replace my lap-top and other equipment, I'll publish the names here when I get online again. So far we've gotten in about 8% percent of the loss, so all contributions, small or big, are still very much appreciated.
Klaus is the master of catching cray-fish. This one was weighing 4,5 kilograms, and was the smallest he took this day. I did not have a good enough wide-angel to capture the others.
Klaus er en mester udi at fange krebs. Denne her vejede 4,5 kg, og var dagens mindste fangst. Vidvinklen var ikke god not til at jeg kunne tage billeder af de andre.
Marat and Valodja outside the sauna
Saunas in Kasakhstan has got a much better and different meaning than back home, it's actually totally opposite.
Saunaer i Ksakhstan har en anden og meget bedre betydning end hjemme, det er faktisk helt omvendt.
Astanas main monument, one of the first buildings erected after the capital was shifted. Our friend Valodja has delivered the light equipment that lights up the soccer-trophy in the night.
Astanes vigtigste monument, en af de første ting man byggede efter hovedstaden var flyttet hertil. Vores ven Valodja har leveret udstyret der lyser op på fodbold-monumentet om natten.
Astana ser rigtig godt ud, omend lidt tom og steril.
Olie- og gas ministeriet - det er nemt at se hvilket ministerium står for de fleste indtægter.
Almost like Singapore river, The Ishim River that flows through Astana, though this one will be frozen in a few months time.
Næsten ligesom Singapore floden, flyder Ishim gennem Astana, omend denne vil fryse til om et par cmåneder.
I think I spent more time on fixing Harleys than Nimbus in Kazakhstan . It's nice to get a break and fix some agricultural equipment now and then, instead of those vacuum cleaners.
Jeg tror jeg brugte mere tid i Kazakhstan på at fixe Harley'er end Nimbusser. Men det er nu meget godt en gang i mellem at arbejde på landbrugsredskaber, istedet for støvsugerprodukter.
KCCD sponsored Honda, raced by Askar. Won a lot of speed tickets in the season 2008 and so far in 2009.
KCCD-sponsoreret Honda, kørt (hurtigt) af Askar. Han vandt en masse fartbøder i 2008 sæsonen og foreløbigt også i denne sæson.
Nikolay er altid hjælpsom. Her hjælper han frisøren mere end han hjælper mit øre.
"Ouuuhhh, I hope it's ok that I threw up in the trash can on your bike." "Sure, looks like you had shashlik for dinner and food is said to be sparse in Mongolia."
Katja was in charge of two marketing trucks, which the Burabike Festival hired for promoting the event. The truck had glass walls, and inside they put a Yamaha R1 and a girl that danced around it. I graduated from Nanyang Business School with a major in International Marketing a few years ago so I know the business, and I can clearly say this is a marketing form we'll see a lot more of. In fact, I'd define good marketing as exactly this.
Katja stod for de to lastbiler som Burabike Festival havde hyret til at gøre reklame for dette event. Lastbilen havde sider af glas, og indeni havde de anbragt en Yamaha R1 og en pige som dansede rundt om den. For et par år siden blev jeg uddannet på Nanyang Business School med speciale i International Marketing, og jeg kan med sikkerhed sige, and den slags her kommer vi til at se mere af. Faktisk vil jeg kalde det her definitionen af god markedsføring.
The dancing girl from the truck also liked Nikolays V-rod, and probably other rods as well.
President of Bike Casta, the Doc
The dance-bike-promotion truck in action
Nazira, nice girl that worked in the Ministry of Education in Kazakhstan and spoke very well English. Besides that she seemed to love HD's. I'm gonna buy myself a Harley-fucking-Davidson one day....
Nazira, en sød pige som arbejder i Kasakhstans undervisningsministerium, og som taler godt engelsk. Plus hun synes at kunne li' Harley'er. En skønne dag vil jeg købe mig en Harley-fuckin'-Davidson....
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