Tormod møter igjen Anna og havner i trøbbel på stranda
After a few days in Yalta we stuffed Sasha #2, his wife Luda, Shrek, gala, Klaus and yours truly into Sasha #2's Volga car, heading upwards in search of Vadim The Mountain Ghost. Come by Turkish palace on the way, a swell as a monastery filled with guys looking like bikers, on account of their long beards. Could've been monks, too.
Another high point of that day was when we were out getting plastered with Valerie, Sacha #2, Luda, Gala & her brother Boris. Pub closed at 3-4 am we staggered homewards, when I 'drained the peacock' and got busted for this by two Russian-only speaking idiots, who - according to Boris - were undercover 'Strand Oxopoha' (beach police).
They had no ID, yelled and screamed, obviously hoping for a bribe. In such situations I just start talking English until they back off, or just say 'awright, lets go to the police station', which usually ends it right there and then. Not so this time. The rest of the crew came to my rescue, and loudly so. Think the plan was to punch a few holes in the idiots' heads or something, which seemed to do the trick, so after a little while they just gave up on us all. But man, what 20 minutes of pure pandemonium that was.
Dagene går fort i Yalta, til tross for at en ikke gjør stort annet enn å skru litt sykkel, henge på verksteder, grille og drikke litt for mye øl. En dag tar en annen, så plutselig har en uke gått, og enda en og slik kunne det sikkert fortsatt. Nå er imidlertid ferien over, vi har fått tak i både delene og vognkortene vi trengte slik at vi reiser videre til Krasnadar, Volgograd og Samara før vi kjører inn i Kazakhstan om en drøy uke.Time passes quickly in Yalta, when all you do is hang around in bike workshops, grill food, wrench a bit and drink a lot. Suddenly a week had passed, but we had gotten the parts and papers we needed. So we pulled ourselves together, and headed for Krasnadar, Volgograd and Samara, before we reach Kazakhstan in a week or so.
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