Saturday, 15 August 2009

Ulan Bator, Mongoliet

Ok dudes, we're still alive. We've reached Ulan Bator after 2000kilometers off-road driving. It's been several major breakdowns but we made it. The hard part is over now and the bikes are still moveable.
I am working on a proper update now and hope to post something more thorough shortly so stay tuned. I will start the updates from Burabike in Kazakhstan, so the juicy stuff from Mongolia will come after a while.

Ok venner, vi er stadig i live. Vi har nået Ulan Bator after 2000 km offroad kørsel. Der har været adskillige tekniske sammenbrud, men de blev klaret. Det sværeste er ovre nu og maskiner kan stadig bevæge sig. Jeg arbekder på at få skrevet et ordentligt indlæg og regner med at lægge det på nettet snart, so hold øje med bloggen.
Tormod The float is broken

This is a good mongolian road. Note the mud on the handle bar.
Dette er en god vej i Mongoliet. Bemærk mudderet på styret.

Mud, mud and more mud. What more could one wish for?
Mudder, mudder og atter mudder. Hvad mere kan man ønske sig?
We got trapped in the dark valley of death, a true stigma diabolica on the Mongo-map.
Vi sad i fælden i Den Dystre Dødens Dal, et sandt 'stigma diabolica' på Mongo-kortet.
Since the last update we've had three total fork failures, one float and 5 sparkplugs have vibrated to death, both of the sidecars are more or less dissolved, one handlebar is dead and one clutch disc is on its way to clutch disc-heaven.
Siden den sidste opdatering af bloggen har vi haft samlet tre totale forgaffelnedbrud, én svømmer og frem tændrør er vibreret til døde, begge sidevogne er mere eller mindre faldet fra hinanden, ét styr er dødt og én kobling er på vej til koblingshimlen.


Anonymous Kim said...

Fantastic landscape, really wish I was there, riding the Mongolian steppe on my own Nimbus. By the way, you're packing way too much gear - all I'd take is a small tent, a sleeping bag, a one-piece rain suit and a credit card.

15 August 2009 at 11:21  
Blogger docormoy said...


21 August 2009 at 16:02  

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