Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Travel route and support

We're currently in Huntsville, Alabama and heading on tomorrow. We'll be going down to Birmingham, New Orleans, Huston, Austin, Las Vegas and then to Los Angeles. This is pretty much the last fixed destinations for the trip in the USA. We'll be pushing on quite a bit and take pretty much the shortest possible way. If you're along the route and got a space for us to spend a night please contact me at tormod.amlien@gmail.com or write in the guest book.

Further, if you like this blog and would like to contribute financially to keep it running we appreciate donations which can be done via Pay-Pal on our front page. Or, you can buy t-shirts with our logo, exclusively designed by Kristal Melson in Singapore. T-shirts can be bought from our true supporter and helper Lee Bruns in South Dakota by mailing him at motopsycho@wat.midco.net. The price is USD20 incuded shipping in the US.

Thanks for your support!


Catching fire and blowing head a gasket in Graceland.

From Bowling Green we were supposed to head straight down to my so to speak colleague, Guzzi-Doug in Alabama. However, my Danish friend and Nimbus-dude Fin Ohlendorf insisted we had to drop by Graceland to get some pics of the bikes outside Graceland.

As Fin’s biggest Hero is Elvis, and he’s said we’re heroes to him on par with Elvis I really had to take the detour. Besides, I really didn’t mind seeing the palace of the last true king.

The result of this detour was impeccable. My bike caught serious fire just before Memphis. I tore off my jacket to hold down the fire while Klaus managed to get a fire extinguisher that didn’t work. Luckily for me, but not for the jacket I managed to totally put out the fire with the jacket. After 10 years, 100 000 kilometers and about 25 countries, eaten by rats in India and facing temperatures from -25 to +55 centigrade it had to give in for a fire in America. Needless to say, it will be repaired rather than scrapped.

For the bike, we could still move on with the damages. When we somewhat delayed reached Memphis we didn’t get hold of the guy we were supposed to stay with. Luckily, thanks to Guzzi-Doug we found another guy, Grant, that took us in though it was late in the night.

In the morning we went to Graceland to get Fin’s pictures. As soon as we were outside Graceland it was clear my head gasket had blown, or rather my motorcycle’s head gasket. There were no other options than replacing it on the spot. Big thanks to Fin that forced us to this cursed place, and giving me the opportunity to be the worlds first person to replace a head gasket at Graceland.

Ildløs og brændt toppakning ved Graceland

Fra Bowling Green skulle vi egentlig være kørt direkte sydpå til en slags kollega, Guzzi-Doug i Alabama. Men min danske ven og Nimbuskumpan Fin Ohlendorff havde insisteret på at vi tog forbi Graceland for at få billeder af maskinerne udenfor stedet. Siden Elvis er Fins største helt, og han havde sagt at Klaus og jeg var helte på samme niveau som Elvis, måtte vi bare køre omvejen. Bortset fra det, så havde jeg intet imod at se den sidste ægte konges palads.

Resultatet af denne omvej var i højeste klasse; Der gik ild i min Nimbus lige før Memphis, så jeg måtte flå jakken af for at holde ilden nede, mens Klaus fik fat i en ildslukker der ikke virkede. Heldigvis for mig - men ikke for jakken – blev ilden slukket på denne vis. Efter 10 år, 100.000 kilometer og ca. 25 lande, bidt af rotter i Indien og at have været udsat for temperaturer fra -25 til +55 grader Celcius, måtte den give op over for en brand i Amerika. Selvfølgelig bliver den ikke kasseret, men repareret.

Hvad motorcyklen angik kunne vi sagtens køre videre trods skaderne. Da vi noget forsinket kom frem til Memphis, kunne vi ikke få fat på fyren vi skulle bo hos, men takket være Guzzi-Doug fandt vi så frem til en anden fyr, Grant, der tog os ind selv om det var godt sent på natten.

Om morgenen tog vi til Graceland for at tage billeder til Fin. Så snart vi nåede frem stod det klart at min Nimbus' toppakning var gået igen. Ikke andet at gøre end at fixe det på stedet. Mange, mange tak til Fin der tvang os til at køre hen til stedet med alle forbandelserne, og for at give mig muligheden for at være den første der skifter toppakning ved Graceland.

Exactly here beside this train it caught fire. Probably this locomotive used to transport souls to Hell so it was bad karma around it.
lige nøjagtig her ved siden af toget opstod ilden. Lokomotivet har sikkert været brugt til at transporteret sjæle til Helvede, så der var dårlig karma omkring det.

Pure luck that it did not go totally wrong, the tank were full and had a bad leak. "Please don't burn down Graceland at least" was Fin's comment.
Rent held at det ikke gik fuldstændigt galt; benzintanken var fuld og lækkede slemt. "Lad vær' med at brænde Graceland til jorden", var Fins kommentar.

The jacket had a bad day. The piece that was eaten off by Indian rats in 2006 was nothing in comparison. Funny enough, that too happened nearby a train, at Nagpur train station. Anyhow, now the jacket is 5 centimeters too short on the arms.
Denne jakke havde en dårlig dag. Det stykke som var spist af indiske rotter i 2006 er intet i sammenligning med dette. Spøjst at det skete nær et tog, på Nagpur Station. Nå, men nu er jakken 5 cm for kort på ærmerne.

In Grant's garage, he took us in though we were not expected and called late in the night. That's the good spirit you often meet in the motorcycle community.
I Grant's garage - han tog os ind selv om vi kom uventet og sent på natten. Det er den gode ånd man ofte møder i mc-sammenhæng.
The Graceland sign is in the background.
Graceland skiltet ses i baggrunden.

Gracious Graceland.

Indiana and Kentucky

From Dale we headed west into Indiana, and south towards Kentucky. It was some rain, but a nice ride along the Ohio River, with small old villages and country roads. That day we planned to ride only 100 miles or so down to Louisville.

We found the way quite easily to Jaqui Van Ham and Stephen Pate’s place where we should stay for the night. Unfortunately, they were so nice that we ended up with staying for three nights. It’s terrible with this terribly nice people.

Jaqui has been touring Europe with her BMW R75/5 and tries to make a living from freelance writing about motorcycles and wine (good combination), while Stephen is a professional restorer of high-end classic bikes as Brough Superiors and Vincents. The Danish riff-raff finally got the chance to hang out with the British aristocracy.

Big Sid, the legendary Vincent tuner and his son Matthew also stay in Louisville and is a friend of Stephen so we also got the honor to visit him, and later have dinner with him and his son. Quite amazing to hear his stories from about Phil Irving and Rollie Free, which he both knew back in the day.

After Louisville the next stop was Bowling Green. As far as I can see the town is not too much of an attraction, but in this case there were a particular reason why we dropped by. The reason was to visit another true legend, the magician John Calvert. John is now 98 years, but still in quite good health. He used to do 60 feet jumps with Indian motorcycles in the thirties, he was a Hollywood star and actor, and even more an adventurer.

John travelled the world with his show using private airplanes, which he of course he flew himself. He had three DC3’s himself, and loads of smaller planes. Needless to say, he was also a friend of Howard Hughes. John survived several crashes, but none of them was when he was flying blindfolded like he occasionally did for show.

He also travelled the world with several yachts, the first one was Edsel Ford’s old yacht. He toured the world for many years with different yachts, and on went down several times but survived it all. He took his magic show to the most awkward places of the world, and even entertained Idi Amin in Uganda. According to John, every time he asked from a volunteer from the audience Idi went up himself, no one else was allowed. John did his shows with the threat of getting killed if he made a fool of him on the stage.

It’s not even any use in trying to get into his stories, it’s too many besides people don’t believe it unless they see the pictures. If you come across his biography it’s well worth reading, he’s certainly the most extreme adventurer I met personally.

Fra Dale kørte vi vestpå til Indiana, og sydpå mod Kentucky. Der var lidt regn, men det var en fin tur langs Ohio River, med små landsbyer og småveje. Planen for den dag var at kun køre mokring 160 km ned til Louisville.

Vi fandt nemt frem til Jaqui Van Ham og Stephen Paté's hjem, hvor vi skulle overnatte. Uheldigvis var de så flinke mennesker, at vi endte med at bo der i tre døgn. Det er forfærdeligt med disse forfærdeligt flinke mennesker.

Jaqui har kørt rundt i Europa på sin BMW R75/5, og prøver at leve som freelance skribent om motorcykler og vin (en god kombination), mens Stephen's profession er at restaurere overklassemaskiner som Brough-Superior og Vincent. Så her fik den danske pøbel muligheden for at mænge sig med aristokraterne.

Big Sid, en legendarisk Vincent tuner, og hans søn Matthew bor også i Louisville, og er venner med Stephen; så vi fik også æren af at besøge ham og senere spise middag me ham og sønnen. Det var noget særligt at sidde og høre historier om Phil Irving og Rollie Free (hhv. Vincent konstroktør og Bonneville rekordkører), som han kendte fra gamle dage.

Efter Louisville var næste stop Bowling Green. Som jeg ser det har byen ikke meget at byde på, men her var der en særlig grund til at vi kom forbi: Nemlig at besøge en anden legende, magikeren John Calvert. John er 98 år gammel nu, men stadig ved godt helbred. I 1930'erne plejede han at fortage 20 meter hop på Indian motorcykler, han var stjerneskuespiller i Hollywood, og endnu mere en eventyrlysten type.

John rejste jorden rundt med sit show pr. privatfly, som han selvfølgelig selv fløj. Han havde tre DC-3'ere, og masser af mindre fly. Det er næsten overflødigt at nævne, at han også var ven med Howard Hughes. John overlevede adskillige styrt, men ingen af dem mens han fløj med bind for øjnene, som han nogen gange brillerede med.

Han rejste også jorden rundt med forskellige yachts, en af hvilke havde tilhørt Henry Ford's søn Edsel. Flere gange gik bådene ned, men han overlevede hver gang. Showet blev vist de mest umulige steder på kloden, selv hos Idi Amin i Uganda. Ifølge John kom Idi op hver gang han bad om en frivillig, for ingen andre måtte. De shows blev gjort under truslen om at miste livet hvis han gjorden manden til grin....

Det giver ingen mening at genfortælle flere af de ting han har oplevet, for dels er der for mange af dem, og dels vil folk ikke tro det medmindre de har fotografisk bevis. Hvis du finder hans autobiografi er den virkelig en gennemlæsning værd, for han er utvivlsomt den mest eventyrlystne mand jeg personligt har mødt.

The Danish riff-raff finally got the chance to swap paws with the British aristocracy. This Brough Superior SS100 is worth approximately worth 20 times as much as a Nimbus in similar condition. No wonder, the tank is chromeplated and it got dual exhausts.
Den danske pøbel får omsider chancen for at mænge sig med den britiske overklasse. Denne Brough-Superior koster ca. 20 gange mere end en Nimbus i tilsvarende stand. Ikke at det kan undre; tanken er forkromet og den har to udstødningsrør.

Stephen with his patient.
Stephen med sin patient.

Matthew and Sid with their wonderful Vincati, Vincent engine and Ducati frame. Also featured in Cycle World.
Matthew & Sid med deres pragtfulde Vincati, en Ducati ombygget med Vincent motor. Den har været vist i mc-bladet Cycle World.

With the signatures from different legends that box is soon more worth than the becoming-closer-and-closer-to-a-pile-of-shit-Nimbus.
Efterhånden som alle disse legendariske mennesker har sat deres autograf på sidevognskassen, er den snart mere værd en Nimbusvraget den er spændt fast på.

Facinating to hear all the stories, Sid was however more interested in hearing about the technical aspects of a Nimbus. Not unlikely for the motorcycle genii we've come across.
For os var det fascinerende at høre alle Sid's historier, men han var mere interesseret i at høre om Nimbussens teknik. Dette var typisk for de forskellige motorcykel-genier vi havde mødt undervejs.

Goodbye time with the Van Ham'ster and Stephen.
Afskedens stund med Van Ham'steren og Stephen.

John Calvert; aviator, sailor, adventurer, magician and Hollywood star.
John Calvert; pilot, sejler, eventyrer, magiker og Hollywoood stjerne.
Tammy, John's wife is Singaporean and left the island state in 1960 and has not been there since 1973. She's been traveling with John to most corners of the world as his side kick. She still got Singaporean accent though she escaped already back in the wild days in Singapore.
Tammy, John's kone, er fra Singapore, som hun forlod i 1960 og ikke har besøgt siden 1973. Hun har rejst næsten overalt på Jorden med John, men har beholdt sin Singapore accent.
Old picture of John with his lion. He had two of them.
Et gammelt billede af John med en af sine to løver.
No wonder, he got to fly fighter jets already around 1950. He used to be both trainer for pilots during the war, and entertainer for the soldiers on r & r.
John kom til at flyve jets allerede omkring 1950. Under (Korea)krigen var han både instruktør, og entertainer for piloter på r&r (rest and recreation).
Klaus inspects his elephant rifle, a .375 that he used in Africa and shot about ten elephants with during the making of a film.
Klaus inspicerer hans elefantbøsse, en .375'er som han brugte i Afrika. Han skød ti elefanter i forbindelse med en film der blev optaget.
Tammy and John out rowing with their leopards, they had 5 of them. Most of the stories about the man is hard to believe, good thing he's got pictures to back it all up.
Tammy & John på rotur med deres leoparder, som de havde fem af. De fleste af historierne om manden må være svære at tro, så det er godt at han har billeder til at bevise dem.

NY-Pennsylvania-West Virginia-Ohio

The list of the places traveled wrapped up in one single entry might sound impressive, but it really isn’t. It was actually quite uneventful, at least when it comes to spectacular stories or breakdowns. Really nothing much to write a lot that interests the crowds, but for us it was some good and interesting days of travel.

We hit the road from NYC a bit later than intended, amazingly enough it was not our self to blame this time (I will not mention any names for your sake Eddie). Our plan for the day was to reach Gettysburg, PA to see the battlefields. The ever helpful Johnny Fox had contacted Battlefield Harley Davidson that were expecting us, so we had to reach them before they closed for the day, which we did not. Meredith at the dealer had arranged a hotel room for us and left the confirmation at the door though, how sweet isn’t that?

The next day we dropped by them and met the very sweet Meredith, as well as the owner that gave us some gear we were short on. Amazing guys, and for sure the best designed HD outlet I’ve seen so far with a civil war theme.

John Boettcher showed up as well, he had taken a day off to ride with us again. I really should not mention John in this blog as it makes us look like motorcycle-sissies, but what can I do when he rides 250 miles in the morning when it rains cats and dogs, just to make a detour and ride with us when he’s got a day off.

The rest of the day it was pouring down, and it took less than two hours before I had swim-skin on my hands and it was fairly cold, but still we made it to Morgan Town, West Virginia. Soaking wet we got into a motel. We went to a restaurant and had dinner, which was on the house when they discovered that we were infamous world travelers, then went to the hotel and had a bit too much wine while talking bullshit until God knows when.

John Left us the next morning, and we rode to Cincinatti Ohio, to Dale’s place, a sidecar racer and Christina’s friend that put us up for the night, and everybody agreed it had been a nice trip.

Så mange stednavne i et enkelt blog-indlæg ser måske meget imponerende ud, men så hårdt var det nu ikke. Det var faktisk ret begivenhedsløst mht. historier eller mekaniske sammenbrud. Ikke noget at skrive om for nyhedshungrende læsere, men for os var det et par dages god og interessant rejse.

Vi kom afsted fra New York City lidt senere end planlagt (af hensyn til Eddie vil vi ikke nævne nogen navne). Dagens plan var at komme hen at se en af de mest berømte slagmarker fra Den Amerkanske Borgerkrig, ved Gettysburg i Pennsylvania. Den evigt hjælpsomme Johnny Fox havde kontaktet H-D forhandleren Battlefield Harley-Davidson ventede vores ankomst, så vi måtte nå derned før lukketid, hvilket mislykkedes. Meredith, en af de ansatte, havde skaffet os et hotelsværelse, og sat bekræftelsen i døren – sødt gjort. Næste dag besøgte vi så butikken og mødte den rigtig søde Meredith, samt ejeren, der gav os nogle ting vi stod og manglede. Imponerende folk, og bestemt den bedst designede H-D shop jeg endnu har set - med Den Amerikanske Borgerkrig som tema.

John Boettcher var også mødt op, efter at have taget dagen fri så han kunne køre med os. Jeg burde egentlig ikke nævne John i den her blog, for det får os til at ligne mc-tøsedrenge, men hvad kan man gøre når han kører 400 km om morgenen mens det står ned i stænger, og så bare kører en omvej for at følges med os nu han alligevel har fri? Resten af dagen pissede det også ned, så efter få timer havde jeg svømmehud mellemfingrene og var ret kold, men vi kom da frem til Morgantown i West Virginia.

Vi ankom drivvåde til et motel, fik os en middag på restaurant (som blev på husets regning da de opdagede vi var berygtede jordomrejsende), gik tilbage til motellet og fik en tand for megen vin mens vi snakkede om alt til guderne må vide hvor sent. John forlod os næste morgen og selv kørte vi til Cincinatti i Ohio, til en fyr ved navn Dale. Han er sidevognsracer og ven af Christina, og gav os husly og alle var enige om at det havde været en god tur.

Klaus doing field-adjustments of his mudguard. While we stood there a very nice Brasilian guy pulled over, asked if we needed help, and then donated 30 dollars and a bottle of wine. It restores some sort of faith in mankind when you're out there and experience things like this. Thanks a lot to the Brasilian, if you read this please contact me.
Klaus justerer skærmen undervejs. Mens vi stod dér, stoppede en meget venlig brasilianer, spurgte om vi havde brug for hjælp, og donerede 30 dollars og en flaske vin. Man får sin tillid til ens medmennesker igen når man er ude og opleve den slags. 1000 tak til brasilianeren – kontakt mig hvis du læser dette.

This boulevard was named after, uh, somebody.
Hans Screiber, Sales and Marketing Director of Wyndham Gettysburg donated a very nice hotel room for the night. The best we've stayed in so far on the trip. "I had some spare beds for the night, so I could just as well give one to you as our contribution to the trip" he said. Thanks a lot Hans! If you're going to Gettysburg, check it out, a really nice hotel with good staff and facilities.
Hans Screiber, der stod for salg og marketing for Wyndham Gettysburg, sponsorerede et fint hotelværelse for natten. faktisk det bedste vi har overnattet på på hele turen. "Jag havde et par ekstra til overs, så jeg kunne lige så godt give et til jer, som vores bidrag til turen," sagde han. 1000 tak, Hans! Tjek stedet hvis du kommer til Gettysburg en dag, det er et udmærket sted med gode ansatte og betjening.

Outside Battlefield HD, Gettysburg.

Meredith was so sweet and took good care of us, included talking to Hans to get us the hotel room. I tried to get her promoted when I spoke to the owner, I hope it works.
Den søde meredith som tog godt vare på os, inklusive det med at overtale Hans til at give os et hotelværelse. Jeg provede at få hende forfremmet da jeg talte med hendes chef. Håber det virker.

The infamous John Boettcher meets up again with the infamous Team KCCD. Here in the Gettysburg battle field where they ate corn and fighted until they were absolutely sick and tired of it during the civil war. Gettysburg is actually a place well worth a visit.
Den berygtede John Boettcher møder atter det berygtede Team KCCD, her i Gettysburg hvor de sloges og åd majskolber til de var trætte og syge af det. Gettysburg er nu et besøg værd.

John got to borrow a very nice pig at a rest area. Quite a hunk of a pig.
John fik lov at låne en gris på en rasteplads. Faktisk lidt af en stor gris.

Swim-skin appeared quite quickly that day. Certainly a better day to be a reptile or fish than motorcyclist.
Svømmehud kom hurtigt den dag, hvor det ville have været bedre at være en fisk eller et reptil, fremfor en motorcyklist.

Dale and wife in Cincinatti took us in for the night, sidecar racers and friends of Christina Divigard. Next season he was going to use his daughter as monkey (sidecar passenger). Nice family doing a nice family sport!
Dale og hans kone i Cincinatti gav os husly - de var sidevognsracere og venner af Christina Divigard. I næste sæson vil han bruge sin datter som 'aben' (sidevognspassager). Nydelig familie med en nydelig familie-sport!

Return to NYC

Our return to NYC had been awaited like the Jehovah Witnesses awaits the Armageddon, it was several times people thought we were on our way, but every time it didn’t seem to happen. Opposed to the Jehovah-guys though, it finally happened, though a bit later than expected.

The NYC Vinmoto gang, one of the tough gangs of NYC had arranged it all for us. The normal strong leader of the pack, Seth were out of town, but another dangerous and fierce character, the deputy Jason took charge and didn’t let us down. He arranged parking of bikes at Erik Green’s “Works Engineering” ( http://www.worksengineering.com/ ), a place to crash at Christina Divigard’s flat, as well as got out the word about our dramatic slide show at Bar Matchless ( http://www.barmatchless.com/ ).

Our program was tight, but we did all right. We had to explore Coney Island and look for George Tilyou’s ( http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/coney/peopleevents/pande04.html ) ghost after he had went underground with his amusement park, we had to catch up with old a new friends, do photo-shoots at essential locations, drop by cork screw guys at B&H and drivel our breasts wet, and not to mention doing the slide show at the Matchless.

Everything went smooth, very smooth. We had some hectic days, but managed to do most of the things we were supposed to do. As it wasn’t too much to write about I’ll rather post some pictures with captions to cover the happenings. Big thanks to Jason, Eddie, Christina, Erik G and all the other guys for making our stay memorable.

Vår tilbakekomst til New York City var ventet på linje med Jehovas vitner som venter på Armageddon, det var flere ganger våre bekjente i byen trodde vi var på vei, men hver gang så det ikke ut til å bli noe av. I motsetning til Jehova-gjengen skjedde det omsider, enn om noe senere enn forventet.

NYC Vinmotogjengen, en av de skumle gjengene I NYC hadde arranger det meste for oss. Den beinharde og ubstridte lederen Seth var ute av byen, men en annen fæl og skummel karakter, Jason , tok tak i den store tilbakekomsten og skuffet ikke. Han arrangerte parkering av syklene hos Erik Greens ”Works Engineering”, parkering av oss i en leilighet, foruten at han organiserte det dramatiske lysbildeshowet vi skulle holde på Bar Matchless (http://www.worksengineering.com/ ), i Brooklyn.

Programmet var tett. Vi måtte utforske Coney Island og se etter George Tilyou spøkelse( http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/coney/peopleevents/pande04.html ) etter at han hadde dratt med fornøyelsesparken sin under jorda, vi måtte treffe en rekke både nye og gamle bekjente, ta bilder rundt i byen som om vi skulle være japanere, besøke korketrekkergutta på B&H foto og sikle skjortebrystet vått, for ikke å snakke om foredraget vi skulle holde.

Alt gikk imidlertid fryktlig fint. Vi rakk stort sett alt som måtte gjøres, og siden det i bunn og grunn ikke var noe særlig revolusjonerende hiver jeg bare inn noen riktig så flotte bilder fra samtidens New York, så kan dere se selv.


Erik Green and Works Eng. shares space with Oslo Coffee Roasters, in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. How sweet isn't it to find a coffee company with this name, that sponsors us with fresh roasted coffee. Thanks a lot dudes!

Old times and new times, the old docks around in the industrialized world get replaced with the multinational chains and shopping centers, in this case the Swede Mr Kamprad took over. At least he's not famous for wasting his money.

Sylvester Scneider was another friend we made in Montauk. He runs the Zum Schneider Bier Garten in Lower East Manhatten and invited us for some beer and food. Great guy and great place that often put up a good show. Well worth a visit for both food and drinks, seriously good selection and quality, check www.zumschneider.com . Here's Sylvester with his girlfriend.

At Zum Schneider

At B&H at 34th Street, amazing shop if you care about photo-stuff

Kerry forces Jennifer's bike to life before we went to harass Coney Island as a group of wild bikers. Not even Lee Marvin could done it better. Well, maybe he could.

At Coney Island, Jason, Bobby, Eddie, Kerrie and Kerrie's wife

Who's the freak?

The parachute jump tower, the only remains from Tilyou's Steeplechase park after he took it with him underground. To get the full and spectacular story check out Joseph Heller's "Closing Time", www.nytimes.com/books/98/02/15/home/heller-closing.html , where it's properly documented how he disappeared the entire park. Nobody can say this blog is not educating, though most information provided here is totally useless.

Klaus, Jennifer and Jason, for the occasion without the golden hide.

Eddie found a new use of his gloves

Thanks to Roy Mathisen from www.abm.no for pushing me countless times to do a photo session at Times Square, not sure if it happened without him. It got a few good shots that night. Also thanks to Jason and Eddie for the assistance.

Erik Green's Temple, the Works Engineering. A place with good karma!

Christina poses proudly with her new t-shirt from Gjovik Motor Service, www.gms-as.no ,one of Norways biggest Triumph dealers. Helping them with marketing on remote corners of the world with handing out t-shirts.

Jenn got back her flat and waved good bye to us, what a sweet woman, and also a good monkey in the sidecar racing. Races a BMW R75/5